Social networking sites

I must admit, I am very into social media. I use three sites on a daily basis. Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram. I just started using Twitter because of this class. After the readings I got a better understanding of Twitter and its uses. Also after logging in and following the MTA it saved my morning commute. I think after the class I will even stay active with twitter. Besides Donald Trumps silly tweets, twitter can be very useful.

Facebook is an interesting platform that is open to all, it combines all media (even if that means stealing ideas from snap chat all the time) it is still a very popular site. I use it because I am able to connect with people on a daily basis that I would not necessarily talk to. It is not my favorite Social networking site but I have used it for the past eight years. It is simple to use and something that allows you to express yourself.

Instagram is more of a fun site where you are able to view pictures and videos (because who doesn't love a selfie.) Instagram has developed a great site that attracts many users. I personally really like Instagram.

LinkedIn is one of my favorites because what it is used for. I think it is so important for everyone's professional life to have an account. It helps you find jobs and really takes business into the new age with finding people.


  1. Hi Naomi, I agree with everything you said! I recently created an account on LinkedIn because I looking for a job and felt like its necessary for today's world in order to find a good job. I also like whatsApp, it helps me connect with my friend and a family over seas on a daily base.


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