Blogs v wikis

A blog as stated in the reading "How can we measure the influence of blogosphere" is a website with multiple characteristics. These characteristics include reverse chronological order, Dates, and passion as well as other characteristics. But what sets apart a blog from a wiki is the contributions, the author of a blog is the only person who can edit whereas a wiki many people can add to it. The information is available to be change and added on a wiki when a blog doesn't allow you to change information. You can comment on a blog and this allows contributions, many people read the comments on a blog because it's like a community. Also, blogs are sometimes causal blogs that are also about people's passions, hobbies and things other then educational. In the reading "An internal Wiki thats not classified" they talk about people asking before contributing and how it is not a problem anymore. This allows companies to be very updated without people checking in before making an edit and I think it can take many companies places. I think a new way to use wikis could be for event planning, say I am planning a trip for a family reunion, anyone in my family can go into the wiki and add whatever details they want, it can help your trip be cohesive without dozens of phone calls, text messages or emails.


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