Modeling Reality with Virtual Worlds

   In the reading virtual classroom it says "With the use of technology, education can surpass the physical boundaries of the classroom and provide students the opportunity to experience more." I think using virtual reality can bring a lot to education, it can be a fun way to get people involved. What I fear is that people will get used to this and regular learning environments will no longer work for these children they will become even more bored. The 50% of learning time in the classroom might become more difficult. I think that virtual worlds for children can foster creativity I have went to the google store and sat through a virtual reality presentation and it really did look amazing, and I started coming up with ideas just sitting there for fifteen minutes. This being involved in classrooms can bring out creativity in so many. One more con of this is it will be expensive, you have to hire a staff who knows what they are doing, most schools don't have extra funds to hire more staff.
      "The result is an experience that feels like a mash-up of Facebook and Grand Theft Auto, with a dash of the indie-rock Web site Pitchfork thrown in for good measure." came from "I've Been in That Club, Just not in Real Life" it was interesting to see the nightlife come to your computer screen. This can be fun for a lot of people on a rainy day or a day that you are just not feeling in the mood to go out. But a con can be going on this website and letting it consume you. The confusion of what is reality vs virtual worlds can slip when someone is a constant user of these virtual sites.
       To me, the future of these virtual worlds will be amazing, with only limited time these sites can transform your regular living room to an ocean or forest. Within time, these sites will only get better, and feel more and more real. I am excited to see the future and see where my mind can travel with these worlds.


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