
Showing posts from 2017


With New Media there are so many new privacy issues. Hackers are a big concern with new medias such a social networking sites and email. Hackers can use coding to get on to your email or social networking sites. You should also be aware of data scrapping, that is when a company tracks a persons online activities and shares this information with other companies. With data scrapping research companies are able to take personal data and conversations from social networking sits and other online forums. This is all done without the written consent of the person this is happening to. this is a privacy concern for me. Cookies are a way for a company to keep advertising tailored to you,  cookies are not very harmful, but they do follow your browsing habits. taking the time to delete your cookies from your web browsers helps keep your computer safe.

Next New

My New Media will have to do with virtual reality. Since I am a huge fan of boxing and love going to the fights I would love to put a headset on and watch the fight ringside from the headset. This was from the comfort of my own home I am now ringside at a fight. There are many times where there are fights in Vegas or California and I can not make it there. And even when the fights are in New York a ringside ticket is super expensive. Instead of ordering it on PPV, you could pay a monthly fee and have access to all the fights happening. I think this will be cool because it is different then watching on TV. You have the full affect, the crowd screaming (which is insane and makes a fight so much better) and they should also have a lottery to win tickets to the actual fight!


File sharing is the ability to share computer data over the internet. File sharing allows many people to access the same file. P2P file sharing is peer-to-peer sharing that allows people to share a lot of data. The data shared over P2P file sharing is; books, music, movies, games, and others. In the reading "Peers Find Less Pressure Borrowing From Each Other" talks about the Lending Club a way to loan money for P2P sharing. There are loaners and bowers and the loaners are able to make some money off of this money and are able to make a decent profit. This is just another way for peer-to-peer sharing. Other then the Lending Club that takes P2P sharing for money, there are other examples of P2P sharing. BitTorrent shares everything from TV shows to songs, they share big files and are very popular. Another example of P2P file sharing is Lionshare that allows you to use P2P for educational purposes.


Anywhere you go to work, they ask you if you are a creative person. New creative ideas are something that every company wants. Creativity through media is very important today. Look at all the Instagram bloggers who post photos and get free trips or food bloggers who through creativity make a burger an amazing experience. It is though new media where creativity shows through todays generation. "The tools required for new media creativity are easier to obtain and learn to use than those of traditional creative works." New Media makes it easier to share creative ideas and take them to the next level. Through New Media people have taken stories and exceled them to a creative piece of art.  It is know easier to come up with ideas having the tools to put them out there.

Modeling Reality with Virtual Worlds

   In the reading virtual classroom it says "With the use of technology, education can surpass the physical boundaries of the classroom and provide students the opportunity to experience more." I think using virtual reality can bring a lot to education, it can be a fun way to get people involved. What I fear is that people will get used to this and regular learning environments will no longer work for these children they will become even more bored. The 50% of learning time in the classroom might become more difficult. I think that virtual worlds for children can foster creativity I have went to the google store and sat through a virtual reality presentation and it really did look amazing, and I started coming up with ideas just sitting there for fifteen minutes. This being involved in classrooms can bring out creativity in so many. One more con of this is it will be expensive, you have to hire a staff who knows what they are doing, most schools don't have extra funds to

Social networking sites

I must admit, I am very into social media. I use three sites on a daily basis. Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram. I just started using Twitter because of this class. After the readings I got a better understanding of Twitter and its uses. Also after logging in and following the MTA it saved my morning commute. I think after the class I will even stay active with twitter. Besides Donald Trumps silly tweets, twitter can be very useful. Facebook is an interesting platform that is open to all, it combines all media (even if that means stealing ideas from snap chat all the time) it is still a very popular site. I use it because I am able to connect with people on a daily basis that I would not necessarily talk to. It is not my favorite Social networking site but I have used it for the past eight years. It is simple to use and something that allows you to express yourself. Instagram is more of a fun site where you are able to view pictures and videos (because who doesn't love a selfi

Blog Social networking

 What are the benefits of these technologies to society? Be specific. Is there a "dark side"? Make sure to include your opinion of the way these technologies might evolve in the future A way that you can use social networking in the corporate world is LinkedIn, it is a platform you can use to post jobs, resumes, and information about a company. Companies can even use Facebook to post a job, I actually got a internship by looking on Facebook and searching "media jobs". There are even groups that allow you to interact with people in the field you want to be in to help you network and find jobs. Funny how you can actually do stuff that is more then watch cat videos on Facebook and actually use this to your advantage. But along with the good, there are some precautions that you should take with using social media. Yes it is nice to share pictures from your family vacations with all of your Facebook friends but, exactly who else can see your post? In the reading "

Blogs v wikis

A blog as stated in the reading "How can we measure the influence of blogosphere" is a website with multiple characteristics. These characteristics include reverse chronological order, Dates, and passion as well as other characteristics. But what sets apart a blog from a wiki is the contributions, the author of a blog is the only person who can edit whereas a wiki many people can add to it. The information is available to be change and added on a wiki when a blog doesn't allow you to change information. You can comment on a blog and this allows contributions, many people read the comments on a blog because it's like a community. Also, blogs are sometimes causal blogs that are also about people's passions, hobbies and things other then educational. In the reading "An internal Wiki thats not classified" they talk about people asking before contributing and how it is not a problem anymore. This allows companies to be very updated without people checking in

An analysis on Social Networking: A Purposeful Loss of Privacy.

  I am looking forward to doing my research paper on social Networking. The reason I picked this topic is because social networking is such a big part of todays age. What I will be researching in depth is the loss of privacy on social networking, a thing people fail to remember. The content that you post on all social networking sites follows you when you are looking for jobs and it is important that you remember this, who are you portraying on social media, is this someone you would hire for a job? Even with privacy settings, your information still can be let out and this is something to take into consideration. First thing I will explain is the issues with privacy and the concerns on social networking sites. I will look into teens and the statistics showing that they are sharing more and more and more personal information on social media and what that ,means for them in the future. I will also talk about how to make sure you remain safe and secure on these social networking sites, th
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