An analysis on Social Networking: A Purposeful Loss of Privacy.

  I am looking forward to doing my research paper on social Networking. The reason I picked this topic is because social networking is such a big part of todays age. What I will be researching in depth is the loss of privacy on social networking, a thing people fail to remember. The content that you post on all social networking sites follows you when you are looking for jobs and it is important that you remember this, who are you portraying on social media, is this someone you would hire for a job? Even with privacy settings, your information still can be let out and this is something to take into consideration. First thing I will explain is the issues with privacy and the concerns on social networking sites. I will look into teens and the statistics showing that they are sharing more and more and more personal information on social media and what that ,means for them in the future. I will also talk about how to make sure you remain safe and secure on these social networking sites, the steps to take to make sure your information remains private.


  1. I agree with you, social media is a representation of your ideals and overall opinions. It is very important that people know that due to the internet and social media our lives are on public display for the world to see.


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